A selection of articles.
The History of The Land Rover Centre Huddersfield - Peter Garside bought his first Land Rover in 1967, this was not a shrewd investment, and he immediately bought his second one, which he used for spares to keep the first going ! The spares left over from the second Land Rover were sold on to local farmers and the like and so the seeds […]
History of the Range Rover Marque - Wednesday 17th June 1970 is not a date etched on many minds. It is however the day that the Range Rover was announced to the worlds motoring press. Unknown to the Rover Company, it was a vehicle that over the years would totally revolutionize the leisure car market, a world beater. The story had started […]
- History of the Land Rover Marque - Here you will find a history of the Land Rover models, from 1948 with the early Series I land Rovers, series II, IIA, II, and then on to the modern Defenders. Land Rover Series I (1948 – 1958) 80″, 86″, 88″/107″, 109″Originally designed for farm and light industrial use, the first prototype was built in […]