Back in August 2013, we were contacted by Stephen in Texas – He was exploring the possibility of importing a Series III Land Rover to Texas.
We gave him some great advice on what was and wasn’t possible, and he ended up buying “Lucille” – our 1979 Series 3.
Today we were pleased to receive an update from Stephen and some pictures.
Lucille is doing well, and enjoying her time in the “Lone Star” State.
For those of you thinking about importing a Land Rover into the USA, we thought we would share Stephen’s experience:
August 12, 2013
My search for the perfect Land Rover Series III truck began in early July. I spoke to a couple of owners on Craig’s List, eBay, and even Skyped with a few “Reputable” importers in in UK. Clay had been sending me links to various Land Rovers located around the world, and the perfect one spoke to me – A light tan truck located in a small town in the United Kingdom called “Land Rover Centre”.
I first contacted the Land Rover Centre in Huddersfield UK on October 12, 2013 about possibly importing Lucille to the USA. I expressed concerns about vehicle seizures, customs, and sending money to an unknown entity on the other side of the world. Mark Griffiths – Sales Manager at Land Rover Centre for almost 25 years – quickly responded/addressed my concerns and eased my discomfort by demonstrating pure knowledge and experience with the process. After we negotiated a few small things, I wired him over the Funds and they began modifying Lucille to my liking. The only things I really wanted to add were more aggressive tyres, a Dark “Khaki” canvas top, tow hooks on the front, and a vinyl tire strap for the hood.
September 20, 2013
October 22, 2013
Lucille finally made it to her new Home. After 3.5 Weeks on the water and sitting in Customs for a lonely week and a half, she FINALLY arrived. Time between loading and arriving seemed to take forever.
I’m extremely shocked/pleased on the quality.
November 20th 2014
Hi Mark,
I hope you’re doing well.
I figured I would share this little project I started a few days ago. I have a lot more to add, but It’s a start. I’m sure there are typos and stuff, but I will get to all of that in time. Follow the link 🙂
Thanks for being a part of my Land Rover Series III experience. Lucille is truly appreciated and it’s the coolest car that I have ever driven – I have a panic attack just thinking about not having her.